Songwriting and Music Production Workshop with Music Generation Clare
An interactive workshop for secondary schools in Ennis including writing, recording and mixing a song together as a class group.
Platform: Zoom. Classes will receive a Zoom link
Cost: Free
Class groups need to book through
De Valera Library Tel: (065) 6846353 or (065) 6891317 | Email:
Ennistymon Library Tel: (065) 7071245 | Email:
Music Generation Clare is part of Ireland’s National Music Education Programme that transforms the lives of children and young people through access to high quality performance music education in their locality. Through partnership, they create rich and diverse ways for participants to engage in vocal and instrumental tuition delivered by skilled professional musicians, across all musical genres and styles and interact in an inspirational way with children and young people.
“Music doesn’t just change lives – it transforms lives.”