Éanna Ní Lamhna is a botanist by profession having learnt her trade in UCD many moons ago. She was responsible for much of the ground breaking species distribution mapping carried out by An Foras Forbartha in the 1970s and 80s.
She has been a lecturer in sustainable development in DIT for over twenty years. She is publicly on the side of the environment as evidenced by her stint as President of An Taisce from 2004-2009 and more recently as President of the Tree Council of Ireland. She is the author of several books including Wild Dublin (O’Brien Press) and Wild Things at School (The Heritage Council). She has been broadcasting on RTÉ about wildlife since 1988 when she cut her teeth on radio with John Skehan. She has been the mainstay of the Mooney goes Wild programmes since 1995 and their earlier iterations – Green Times, Wildlife TX etc. She has made several Wildlife Radio documentaries including one on the rainforest in Costa Rica which was recorded on location and just lately one on rats. She currently has a regular wildlife slot on Virgin Media’s Six O’Clock show. She has one of the most recognisable voices on Irish radio and is noted for her passionate and no nonsense approach to environmental matters.