Venue: Old Ground Hotel
Date: Sunday, 06 March at 13.30 (includes a buffet lunch).
To celebrate Mother’s Day and to bring the 10th Ennis Book Club Festival to a fitting close, Colm O’Regan will entertain us and celebrate the Irish Mammy. Everyone should have an Irish Mammy. She’s never short of advice, a kind word, and a cup of tea (making sure to scald the teapot first, of course!). Explore the phenomenon of the Irish Mammy and what she might say about everything from the ‘new mass’ to the cardinal sin of not owning a cough bottle, and the importance of airing clothes properly. A warm, intelligent comedy show giving a gentle but accurate poke in the ribs to the oddities and quirks of Irish life. Colm’s Mammy says that it’s been done in New York, London, and Paris in front of three different ambassadors and other people with fairly good jobs, doctors and actuaries – that kind of thing. We might even organise an audience competition for prizes – where would you be going? Bring the coat. If it’s too hot you can take it off!