David Butler

A Talk by David Butler

Date: Fri 01 March 
Time: 2pm 
Venue: Cruises, Queens Hotel 
Price: Free

James Joyce is famously known as the author whose work; three novels, his play, Exiles, and all fifteen of the short stories are set in the Dublin of his youth.

What is less well known is that much of Joyce’s imaginative world takes place outside the city that ‘wore the mask of a capital’. Whether the Galway of Nora Barnacle alluded to in The Dead; the Cork to which Simon Dedalus brings young Stephen in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; the Mullingar where Millie Bloom is sojourning on June 16th, 1904 or the Queen’s Hotel, Ennis where Leopold Bloom’s father tragically took his life, an entire imaginative hinterland is conjured beyond the bounds of the Dear Dirty Dublin he immortalized.

This talk will be an exploration of that imaginative hinterland.