
Ennis Book Club Festival offers a range of opportunities for organisations to support the Festival. Becoming a supporter of  the Festival not only makes a lasting impression on your clients and staff, it also helps to make reading and literature more  accessible and allows readers to engage with national and international authors alike.

We have a number of support options listed below and we are happy to customise a support package to suit your company best.  Supporting Ennis Book Club Festival aligns your company to one of Ireland’s premier book festivals and, with almost 4,000 tickets booked each year, it connects your business to our ever-growing audience.

All supporters of the Festival are included in our print programme of which 3,000 copies are distributed locally and nationally in advance of the Festival and throughout the Festival weekend. Supporters’ logos are also included on the Festival website which serves as both a source of information and booking platform.

Sponsorship Options

Event Sponsor
– Align your company branding to Festival events
– Logo included on event information within print programme
– Logo placed on event information on website and on Supporters and sponsors page

Shop & Eat Listing/Logo Support
– List your store or restaurant in the Shop & Eat guide used by attendees throughout the Festival
– Logo listed in the sponsor page of the website

Programme advertiser
– Full, half and quarter page sized advertisement slots. Please note that a limited number of advertising pages are available.
– Logo listed in the sponsor page of the website

Should you wish to join our list of supporters and sponsors please email info@ennisbookclubfestival.com and full details will be sent to you.

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